Councillor Roslyn Harrison moved the following notice of motion on 19 December 2017 below. *

The report brought back to Council brought back the data however council had only looked at the option at Forestville Art Centre and Forestway Shops with no investigation into a part-time satellite office or other Council owned locations.

Councillor Harrison added and addition to the recomendation.

Voted unanimously

* Council resolved to:

A. Undertake a feasibility study for opening a satellite office at Forestville Community Centre to service Frenchs Forest Ward residents.

The study would include:

 Collecting postcode data from Customer Service centres to obtain numbers of Frenchs Forest ward attendance and possible opening hours (i.e. days per week / hours per day).

 Services offered at Dee Why, Mona Vale and Manly to be made available to Frenchs Forest Ward residents to make a one-stop-shop (e.g. paying bills, seeing town planners, making Development Application submissions and seeing a Justice of the Peace).

B. Report back to Council within four (4) months with findings.

#FrenchsForestWard #ClrHarrison #CustomerCentre
