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Budget & Delivery Plan 2018

The Delivery Plan and Budget was voted on after being on public exhibition.

When the Delivery Plan first came before Council for voting (to go to public exhibition for comment) in May, an addition had been added that Councillors get the opportunity to have input into the plan to make it easier to read and importantly have input into the outcomes expected.

Some of the Councillors actively worked together to input on getting the document easier to read and navigate as well as talk about issues that needed further funds.

Council staff were thanked for creating the final document which reflected the discussions at the meetings and the design of the final document.

Additions were added that a workshop be held with Councillors in 6 months regarding Aquatic Centre fees and Outdoor Dining Fees as Councillors felt further feedback is required plus the remaining funds for the Forestville War Memorial Playing Fields Netball courts be used to upgrade the changerooms servicing Melwood Oval & that the footpath budget be increased to $3M to ensure that some of the backlog of footpath works gets completed.

Transparency for the Community

We are a group of locals who care about our community and proudly serve their wishes. As genuine independents, we’re not answerable to any major party - just the people of the Northern Beaches. 

Please share your thoughts about how we can implement the solutions that are most important to you.

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