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This matter was deferred from the last meeting due to time and needing more information and an update from police and council staff.

Both Clrs Candy Bingham & Sarah Grattan spoke again to this motion which was debated at the previous Council meeting.

Cr Bingham / Cr Grattan


A. Council endorse the ‘Alcohol Prohibited Area’ at East Esplanade to an Alcohol-Prohibited Area from 8.00pm to 8.00am to assist Council and Police to enforce the zoning.

B. Council undertake the deployment of night rangers or alternative measures to deal with noise issues and enforcement of Alcohol Prohibited Areas. If user pays police are used in East Esplanade, that should be reported to Council on a quarterly basis including costs and dates.

C. Council develop other strategies to clear the area of illegal drinkers.

D. Council refer the matter to the Northern Beaches Safety Advisory Committee for ongoing monitoring.

E Council prepare a Community Safety Management Plan for East Esplanade within the next three months.

069/18 RESOLVED MOTION BE PUT Cr Heins / Cr Regan That the motion be now put.

VOTING FOR: Crs McTaggart, Heins, Amon, Grattan, Philpott, White, Warren, Harrison, Sprott, Walton, Bingham and Regan

AGAINST: Crs Daley, Ferguson and De Luca


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