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072/18 RESOLVED Cr Amon / Cr Heins

That Council staff provide a short briefing to Councillors on the feasibility (including possible cost and practical implementation) of a one year trial to provide council rates and waste charges relief, possibly similar to that provided to pensioners and those on the parenting payment, to single parents who are the primary carers of dependent children but not eligible for the parenting payment.

VOTING FOR: Crs McTaggart, Heins, Amon, Grattan, Daley, Sprott, Walton, Ferguson and De Luca

AGAINST: Crs Philpott, White, Harrison, Bingham and Regan

ABSENT: Cr Warren



In accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice Clause 5.1(1)(c) I offer the following report on this matter to assist Council in the deliberation of this motion: Preparation of a brief report can be carried out within existing operational budgets within 3 months. However, by way of background, it would be exceptionally difficult to administer rebate relief similar to that provided to pensioners and those on the parenting payment, to single parents who are the primary carer of dependent children but not eligible for the parenting payment. The principal reason is that those rebates for pensioners are administered under the Local Government Act 1993 and through the verification processes undertaken via Centrelink and the Department of Veteran Affairs.

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