On 26 June 2018 Council resolved to place a proposal to name a reserve on Ocean Street Narrabeen, ‘Surfrider Gardens’, on public exhibition.

The proposal was exhibited between 16 July and 20 August 2018. There were twenty one submissions in support of the proposal and ten objections, with two unsure.

Following consultation, it is considered that naming the reserve Surfrider Gardens is appropriate recognition for the significant contribution particular members of the Surfrider Foundation have made to coastal protection along Collaroy and Narrabeen Beach. As this reserve also contains sculptures and heritage material related to surfing, it is considered that Surfrider Gardens is a suitable name and consistent with the existing landscape theme and character of the reserve. It is proposed to apply to the Geographical Names Board to formalise the name of the reserve.

#Sport #NarrabeenWard #Recreational
