After long discussions amongst Councillors the decision was made to rescind the original Compulsory Aquisition motion.

Councillors understood that the initial intention made to compulsory acquire the Pasadena site was due to the fact it had been a neglected, a run down eye sore for 10 years and as a key site in the area should not left derelict for years.

State Government funds had been supplied to pay for he site.

When public notification was made to compulsory aquire the site, renovations suddenly began in earnest.

Legal clarification was sought previously to find out whether the existing building certificate was still relevant to the current renovations.

As it stands now, with renovations almost complete and the site no longer looks derelict.

Council was about to start negotiations with the owner in July and report back to Council before proceeding to aquisition stage and then a decision was to have been made whether to proceed with the aquisition.

As the urgency motion was made mid July, staff did not proceed with negotiations.

The process will now be to negotiate an offer to the owner, if accepted then do a Masterplan. If not accepted then it remains in the hands of the owner.

Northern Beaches Council will continue negotiations to acquire the Pasadena and if successful work with the community on the future use for the building and the surrounding lands.

At an Extraordinary Council Meeting last night, Council rescinded the original motion to compulsorily acquire the Pasadena and resolved to instead continue voluntary negotiations with the owner.

Mayor Michael Regan said this was a good outcome for the community.

“Removing the requirement for compulsory acquisition reduces the risk to Council and our ratepayers and gives us more flexibility to negotiate in good faith with the owner,” said Mayor Regan.

“Should we be successful in acquiring the property, we have always said that we will work with the community to develop a masterplan for the site which could include a lease arrangement for the building with restricted operating hours or other community uses.

“We could also look to change the zoning to prevent any further development of the site.”

Mayor Regan said the Pasadena occupied a unique place in the history of Church Point.

“We know many in the community have a connection to Pasadena given the number of special events and weddings it has hosted over the years.

“The reason Council is involved is because it was left to run down for many, many years, creating an eyesore at one of our most picturesque locations. The community demanded we act to return it to public ownership and the State Government stepped in to provide the funding to acquire it.

“Now the building is on its way to being revitalised, there are many people who want to see it succeed.

“Whatever the end result of the negotiations we still need to balance the needs of our residents, both on and offshore, who don’t want to continue to fight for the limited parking available.”

The following was voted through unanimously.

#PittwaterWard #Infrastructure
