Councillors met with NSW Planning & Environment to view the plans for Stage 1 of the Frenchs Forest Hospital Precinct Town Centre.

After discussions with the Department, two more versions of the Town Centre were produced to create more green space in the Town Centre as Councillors were concerned about the amenity for future residents.

However these plans also meant that the 40m level of the hospital would be surpassed.

After viewing the 3 options, Councillors were divided between having more green space and sunshine or keeping to the 40m limit.

Knowing that many Frenchs Forest resident meetings had advocated that the 40m level were not to be encroached, it produced a spirited debate between our Your Northern Beaches Councillors between Option A with the 40m limit going ahead as planned and exhibiting planning documents at the end of 2018 or Option B (Option 2) that took 2 versions to public consultation for the public to decide for themselves.

This option would delay the final planning documents till the end of 2019 due to the State Election.

In the end, Option A was voted through.

The Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Structure Plan (Structure Plan) was adopted by Council in 2017.

Since that time, Council has been working with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to implement Phase One of the Structure Plan.

This has included the preparation of technical studies to inform the preparation of detailed planning controls, preliminary engagement with the community through the Planned Precinct community information session, an online Place Score survey, and consultation with Councillors, local State Members of Parliament and the Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Structure Plan Consultation Committee.

A key theme arising from the work has been the significance of the tree canopy, natural environment and the provision of open space in the town centre.

This has been an important consideration and has influenced the refinement of the built form options, particularly for the town centre site. The work undertaken to date highlights that an agreed built form option for the town centre site is needed prior to the preparation of detailed planning controls for the remainder of Phase One.

A decision regarding the preferred built form and subsequent consultation strategy is required.


That Council write to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment confirming the preferred forward path for the Frenchs Forest Planned Precinct is either:


A one-step exhibition process to consult on Option 1, which is largely consistent with the Northern Beaches Hospital Precinct Structure Plan (2017) and to exhibit the rezoning documents in the latter part of 2018;

or B.

A two-step exhibition process. The first step will include consultation on three options for the town centre. The second step will include a review of submissions and selection of a preferred option for a second round of exhibition in mid-2019.

#FrenchsForestWard #Masterplan #TownPlanning #AffordableHousing
