This background was provided by Clr Alex McTaggart.

The iconic and historic Bayview baths has fallen into disrepair. The previous Pittwater Council was concerned regarding water quality resulting from a nearby Sydney Water sewer overflow valve which discharged after particular storm events and as a result staff were not supportive of a refurbishment of the baths and continued swimming use. Recently further information has come to light suggesting that staff concerns regarding public health safety may not be supported in the form of a total ban on swimming in this location.

ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT In accordance with Council’s Code of Meeting Practice Clause 5.1(1)(c) I offer the following report on this matter to assist Council in the deliberation of this motion: Council has strong relationships with both Sydney Water and Beachwatch and can undertake this review within the existing operational budget and resources. Staff can investigate whether there is sufficient data on recreational water quality to guide a decision on the use of the baths, and if not determine what time and resources would be needed to gather such data.


Cr McTaggart / Cr Ferguson


A. Council work with Sydney Water and Beachwatch (OEH) to review recreational water quality data for what is known as the Bayview Baths in order to determine if it would be feasible to potentially restore/renew the pool and provide a briefing back to Council within three (3) months.

B. In the event of a favourable report Council may move to a second stage of risk assessment and a refurbishment process subject to budget availability.

VOTING FOR: Unanimous


#PittwaterWard #Environment #NoM
